• Assessment and Training

    Training for Trade and Professionals

  • Experienced Worker Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Domestic Plumbing and Heating (6189)

  • This qualification is only available to candidates who can provide documented evidence of plumbing experience for at least the last 3 years. This route enables experienced workers with an opportunity to achieve the recognised qualification.

    What’s involved? City & Guilds has developed a process to assist experienced workers currently working in the industry. This enables the candidate to achieve the practical element of the combination unit(s) by submitting evidence of work activities from his/her workplace. Any learning outcomes not covered by this process will still need to be achieved using other assessment methods required for the qualification. All the Performance and Knowledge Unit assessments will still need to be completed.

    Candidates will complete on-line exams is:

    • Health and Safety
    • Basic Principles and Processes
    • Cold and Hot water system installations
    • Central Heating pipe work installations
    • Above ground drainage
    • Rainwater Systems
    • The maintenance procedures of all of the above systems

    Candidates will also complete an ‘Experienced Worker Route Template’ and complete the ‘Candidate Workplace Logbook’.

    Where might it lead? On completion of this qualification candidates may enter employment as a Plumber or progress on to the Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Plumbing and Heating. Alternatively candidates may choose to specialise in gas, oil or renewable technology by completing further training.

    Delivery method Candidates complete the ‘Experienced Worker Route Template’, come into centre for online tests and complete the logbook within the workplace.

    Assessment methods NVQ portfolio internally assessed and externally verified. Formal observation in the workplace. Online multiple- choice exams.

    Entry requirements Candidates must have been working in the industry for a minimum of 3 years and be able to provide documented evidence.

    How much does it cost? £1944 .